Biofire Announces World’s First Practical Smart Gun

Gun News

Biofire has just announced what may be the world’s first practical, biometrically secured smart gun.

As long as the concept has been floating around, it’s no surprise that a company is finally bringing one to market. The company is Biofire, and the product appears to be the world’s first truly practical and commercially available smart gun. While smart guns from science fiction typically do things like auto-lock onto targets, here in reality, the new Biofire Smart Gun is simply protected by biometrics.


A biometrically secured firearm that can only be fired by certain approved individuals is impressive technology in itself, but it does open a can of worms considering that anti-gun groups have endorsed the concept in the past and states like New Jersey have introduced legislation attempting to restrict future sales of firearms not equipped with this tech. Gun Digest will be keeping an eye on the Biofire Smart Gun to see where this all goes. The company has, however, already released a statement declaring its opposition to mandates such as the New Jersey law and its support for private ownership and freedom of choice.


That all said, how does the Biofire Smart Gun actually work? It uses “capacitive fingerprint identification and 3D infrared facial recognition” to determine if the individual holding the firearm is approved to fire it. This biometric data is uploaded directly to the smart gun via either USB or the included Smart Dock, and it can’t be accessed any other way to ensure that your data is protected. Once the system detects either an approved user’s fingerprint or face (whichever comes first), it quickly unlocks and can be fired like a normal handgun.


The system is also protected by “solid state, encrypted electronic fire control technology” to prevent tampering and is the first handgun to utilize “fire-by-wire” technology typically only used on fighter jets and missiles. Further, Biofire claims that the system can work even if the user is wearing a face covering or gloves. The pistol itself is 9mm, striker-fired and feeds from 10- or 15-round magazines.

The standard variant of the Biofire Smart Gun is slated to begin shipping in Q2 of 2024 and will have an MSRP of $1,499. Preorders are currently open and the guns can be ordered in either left- or right-handed configurations and in several color combinations.  

For more information, please visit

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