New Jersey: Gun Shop Closure Reversed in New Jersey!

Gun Rights

On Saturday, March 21, Governor Phil Murphy issued Executive Order 107 which shut down the state’s background check system and ruled gun shops non-essential, closing down gun shops along with most other businesses in the state.  By executive fiat, the Governor unilaterally ended all purchases of firearms in New Jersey.  Gov. Phil Murphy has been one of the most anti-gun Governors in the country, but freedom loving Americans scored a critical victory today when the Governor announced in a press conference that he was reversing that part of his executive order which closed gun shops.

This reversal was forced by a decision over the weekend from the Trump Administration – through the Department of Homeland Security – that firearm and ammunition dealers, shooting ranges, and manufacturers are part of the nation’s critical infrastructure and should not be shut down.  NRA thanks President Trump for keeping his word to protect the Second Amendment and our freedom by issuing this decision. 

This is breaking and developing news, and as more details become available, we will update NRA members further.  ​

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