Maine: City of Portland Illegally Classifies Gun Shops as “Non-Essential”

Gun Rights

Our Second Amendment rights are being threatened. The City of Portland needs to hear from you now!

In response to COVID-19, the Portland Mayor and City Council adopted Order No. 156-19/20 on April 14th, which replaced the list of essential businesses previously authorized by the city.  The order stated that “Gun shops shall not be considered an essential business or service within the City of Portland.”


Not only does this order directly conflict with the new list of essential businesses published on April 3rd by the Mills administration, but it blatantly conflicts with Maine’s preemption law.  State preemption prevents local governments from enacting their gun control ordinances and creating a confusing patchwork of local laws.  Law-abiding citizens should enjoy the same rights, regardless of where they reside.  Maine statutes have no exception for local government acting in an emergency – which means the City of Portland is blatantly violating the state preemption law by classifying gun shops as non-essential businesses and ordering them to close under their new order.

Please act now and call on Portland Mayor Kate Snyder and the Portland City Council to correct this egregious error and make firearm dealers essential businesses!


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Councilor Nicholas Mavadones;



It is unfortunate that in these uncertain times, an elected official would limit the ability of law-abiding citizens to exercise our inherent right to self-defense. Firearm dealers are essential to exercising this right!


This is breaking and developing news, and as more details become available, we will update NRA members further. Please stay tuned to

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