Florida Alert! On Guns, Joe Biden Is Full of It

Gun Rights
DATE:   May 2, 2020
TO:      USF & NRA Members and Friends
FROM:  Marion P. Hammer
  USF Executive Director
  NRA Past President

On Guns, Joe Biden Is Full Of It

by NRA-ILA Staff
America’s 1st Freedom
May 2, 2020


Presumptive Democratic 2020 presidential nominee Joe Biden is not one for clarity, tact or a firm grasp of the facts. However, even an American public that has long been aware of his shortcomings was taken aback in early March when the former vice president launched an unhinged attack on a pro-Second Amendment autoworker.

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The verbal dispute occurred as Biden toured a Fiat Chrysler plant in Michigan as the state was holding its primary. As Biden made his rounds, autoworker Jerry Wayne went up to the presidential candidate and asked him about his position on the Second Amendment. Speaking with Fox News’ Fox & Friends the following day, Wayne explained that he “asked [Biden] how he wanted to get the vote of the working man when a lot of us, we wield arms. We bear arms and we like to do that. And if he wants to give us work and take our guns, I don’t see how he is going to get the same vote.”

Wayne told Biden, “You’re actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take our guns,” to which a visibly agitated Biden responded, “You’re full of **it.” Following Biden’s use of profanity, a female Biden staffer attempted to quell the confrontation. Biden responded by shushing the assistant……READ MORE


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