Mdeia “Grandparents Who Do Not Use Gun Safes Do Not Deserve To Have Grandchildren Visit”

Gun News

SHEknows, the meida outlet whose headline isquoted above may know something, but it is not about guns.

First, the chance of a serous gun accident is very low, and is almost entirely confined to inner city neighborhoods where stolen and trafficked guns are almost as common as frying pans. Neighborhoods where the city administration has forbidden free gim training for the small ones. And the big ones, foor that matter.

In 1968 accidental fireams discarges, Not Intentional Discharges in firearms parlance, reportedly took the lives of 1,800 Americans who had not achieved their 16th birthday. Children, to the International record keepers.

The chart below shows what persistant firearms safety training has done to that 1,800 fatalaties a year:

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that is an nonvenomous decline ane one that would be even greater if people like New York City’s Ed Koch, Houston’s Kathy Whitmyer, and many others had not blocked these absolutely fre gun safety training classes.

Next, “gun safes can generally be defeated in a matter of seconds. As a matter of cost, most “gun safes” are heavily insulated tin boxes that will indeed protect a gun. Against fire, but not against thieves, or adventurous teens who want to explore the “forbidden zon.

YouTube has a good primer on gun safes here:

When you have watched the video, remember that a gun safe that would withstand the efforts of a couple of teens eqipped with a couple of heavy truck leaf springs, pickied off the ground at a wrecking yard, will weigh close to 3000 pounds or up, and may cost as much as an extra room on the house. ‘

On the other hand, basic gun safety training would include teaching parents to keep guns out of sight and reach of casual visitors and definitely out of reach of children. For children who have taken the Eddie Eagle gun safety program, which all children should do round the time they begin school, there is no reason to deprive both the child and the grandparents the pleasure of their company.

The risk of an accident is somewhat greater than being hit by a meteor, but far, far lower than the risk of swallowing some of those hellishly poisonous household products most mothers insist on keeping on low shelves within easy reach of children.


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