August 14, 2022
When my high-school switched to online teaching because of the global pandemic, my friends and I joked that at least we wouldn’t have to worry about getting killed by a mass murderer with an AK47 during math class. But the truth is, the decisions that politicians make are not funny, and they have real impacts on our lives and our future. My friends and I are inheriting a world in which gun violence is rampant, climate change is inevitable, college is unaffordable, and women can’t make decisions about their own bodies.
I am tired of the same platitudes from elected officials claiming to fight for me while refusing to actually do the work it takes to make their promises a reality. I am tired of politicians who take money from the fossil fuel industry and then vote to expand non-renewable power plants. I am tired of Democratic leaders who throw money at anti-choice pro-NRA Democrats and right-wing GOP fanatics, then act like we don’t understand politics if we question this strategy.
I may not be old enough to vote, but I can still encourage others in this district to vote for Alessandra Biaggi on August 23rd. As State Senator, Ms. Biaggi helped stop the gridlock in Albany in order to pass the Reproductive Health Act, gun safety laws, and the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act which will go a long way towards protecting our planet. She understands that we do not have time for baby steps in the fight to stop global warming, and she is ready to take the fight to Washington D.C. to make sure that my generation is protected. She is dynamic, inspiring, and has the ability to increase Democrat turnout on Election Day by motivating Gen Z voters to the polls in November.
It’s time for new leaders like Alessandra Biaggi who understand the urgency of this moment and who will use every tool they have to fight for my generation. I hope you’ll help me send Alessandra Biaggi to Congress!
Sia Laddis
Rising Senior, Tappan Zee High School
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