Letter: Gun industry, NRA create world of dread

Gun Rights

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The fear of gun violence pervades all of our lives. Who doesn’t feel a heightened degree of anxiety when in public spaces these days? There is no place or venue where the need to be vigilant is not required.

This is the milieu of madness we live in, one of capricious dread. A world that was, in no small measure, created by a cravenly greedy gun industry and its corrupt propaganda arm, the National Rifle Association.

Oh, and let’s not leave out the conservative-controlled U.S. Supreme Court and its total misinterpretation of the Second Amendment, setting the expansive boundaries within which these morally bankrupt actors operate. This is America today, a land with easy access to guns in a country awash in guns (more than 400 million by some estimates).

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We mustn’t delude ourselves into thinking that Hawaii will somehow be spared this mayhem. The recent Supreme Court ruling on concealed carry has seen to that (“U.S. Supreme Court expands gun rights, with nation divided,” Star-Advertiser, Top News, June 23).

Michael D. Clark

Ala Moana


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