California: Three Committees Hearing Anti-Gun Bills Tomorrow

Gun Rights

Tomorrow, three committees will hear anti-gun bills. Please use the “Take Action” buttons below to contact committee members and get involved in protecting our Second Amendment rights in California.

Assembly Public Safety Committee starting at 9:00AM

Assembly Bill 1252 uses taxpayer dollars to create a so-called “Office of Gun Violence Prevention” to generate propaganda promoting the erosion of Second Amendment rights. While NRA does not oppose objective research into the root causes of violence, and violence prevention is a laudable goal, biased “research” focusing solely on firearms is often used to generate propaganda pushing for more gun control. Further, California tax dollars are already used to fund the UC Gun Violence Research Center.

Assembly Bill 1406 allows state authorities to require firearm transfers to be delayed for up to 30 days if they are unable to complete the background check within the ten day waiting period in current law. Such a change backwards allows inefficiencies or failures by state bureaucrats to delay Second Amendment rights for even longer.

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Assembly Bill 1483 expands California’s one-gun-per-month rationing scheme to also include private party transfers.

Assembly Bill 1598 requires licensed firearm dealers to provide a DoJ published pamphlet on “the benefits and risks of firearm ownership” to those receiving firearms. Additionally, it allows DoJ to solicit input from “reputable” organizations. Given the Attorney General’s disdain for the Second Amendment, it’s possible these pamphlets could be little more than anti-gun propaganda pieces.

Please click this button to ask the Assembly Public Safety Committee to OPPOSE Assembly Bills 1252, 1406, 1483, and 1598.

Assembly Judiciary Committee starting at 9:00AM

Assembly Bill 1089 expands California’s ban on private citizens and non-professional users making firearms with CNC milling machines or possessing CNC milling machines that have the “primary” or “intended” function of manufacturing firearms to also include 3D printers. This is simply another scheme to harass law-abiding hobbyists by preventing them from using modern manufacturing techniques for otherwise lawful purposes.

Please click this button to ask the Assembly Judiciary Committee to OPPOSE Assembly Bill 1089.

Senate Public Safety Committee starting at 8:30AM

Senate Bill 452 prohibits firearm dealers from selling or transferring any semi-automatic handgun after January 1st, 2027, unless the state certifies that it has microstamping. In addition, it also prohibits replacing a microstamping component on such a handgun unless it is replaced with another “valid” microstamping component. In recent weeks, a federal court struck down the microstamping requirement, as well as other required features for handgun models to be placed on the California handgun roster. While the attorney general has appealed the decision, he did not appeal the microstamping requirement. To read more about California’s microstamping law, please click here.​

Senate Bill 417 changes the state-mandated signs that licensed firearm dealers must post at their premises, to include anti-gun propaganda.

Please click this button to ask the Senate Public Safety Committee to OPPOSE Senate Bills 452 and 417.

Please stay tuned to and your email inbox for further updates.

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