Gun News

This week in gun rights – August 15, 2020 Matthew Larosiere is the Director of Legal Policy at Firearms Policy Coalition. You can connect with him on Twitter @MattLaAtLaw. Federal appeals court overturns California magazine capacity ban; four indicted in Santa Clara carry permit scandal; Missouri age bans; NYPD commissioner doesn’t get carry; the American Bar Association hates
Defensive handguns and the skills to run them are applicable to many combat-style competitions. However, the tactics to win a match are not the same as those used to win a fight. Competition Shooting and defensive training my seem similar. However, winning a shooting match and a real-world gunfight are not—and never will be—the same
    Sacramento, CA (August 14, 2020)- Earlier today, the Ninth Circuit released its highly anticipated opinion in Duncan v. Becerra, holding California’s ban on “large-capacity magazines” (“LCMs”) unconstitutional.     California Penal Code § 32310 criminalizes the manufacture, importation, sale, offer to sell, giving, lending, buying, or receiving of any “large-capacity magazine.” The law also punishes
.32 ACP ballistics are hampered by a light bullet and middling velocities. Nevertheless, it remains among John Browning’s most popular pistol cartridges. What You Need To Know About The .32 ACP: Gained popularity in America in the Automatic Colt Pistol Known in Eurpoe as the 7.65 Browning Small-game loads can be made by using 100-grain,
Sacramento, CA (August 14, 2020) — Today, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held California’s “large-capacity magazine” ban unconstitutional in Duncan v. Becerra, in which Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and Firearms Policy Foundation (FPF) filed an important brief, authored by FPC’s Director of Research Joseph Greenlee. The brief was joined by the California Gun Rights
WHAT HAPPENED: Today, a panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed (by a 2-1 vote) a federal district court’s ruling that so-called “large capacity” magazines are protected by the Second Amendment. (ORDER HERE.) SUMMARY: First, the panel held that Cal. Penal Code § 32310 struck at the core right of law-abiding citizens to
It’s finally here. The thing you’ve all been waiting for. The DNC’s platform for this election cycle, and boy does it look bad. Here are the absolutely batshit goals they’ve set going forward: mandating universal background checks, ending online gun and ammo sales, banning people from ownership for misdemeanor, nonviolent and speech-based offenses, and expanding the
The growing popularity and usage of red dot sights have pushed many companies out there to make their own products. As expected, the growing demand and subsequent proliferation of red dot sights have given consumers a wide range of choices at my different price points. One such red dot sight is the Pinty 1x20mm RDS.
Surprisingly simple and incredibly impactful, A full tactical upgrade brings a 1960s Remington 870 up to today’s standards. The Remington 870 is one of the most widely recognized firearms in all history. Designed in the early 1950s, the 870 is a bottom-loading, side-ejecting, pump-action shotgun with a tubular magazine underneath the barrel. There are hundreds